Thursday, March 2, 2023

 This is Lobolabus Doh-Doh Bird, he's the fourth pack member of Sallowfang's pack. (Despite having one foot and a stalky leg; he is not disabled. His species is born like this. He is the only blue one though, and an extremely agile and strong Doh-Doh bird. Don't underestimate this feathery ball of fluff.) He is also the Leader of his entire species. Though he is a small bird, he is an amazing fisher-bird and jumper. His foot can help him jump as high as twenty feet in the air in one leap, and he can cover a pretty decent distance of about 15 feet per hop, so his leg is very powerful, and his talons are extremely sharp too, they are 5 inches thick, and 5 inches long.

[Also, I haven't drawn him yet, so...this plushy of him will have to suffice. 😅]

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